Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Cakes and Ale--Set 1

Blessings and Libation:

Bless cakes:

I conjure You, O meal of grain
Who sprouted in both Sun and Rain
Whose Ancient seed fulfills us all
And gains new life where e'er it falls
I bless You in this Circle round
That Your abundance may abound
And feed our world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Bless wine:

I conjure You, O fruit of vine
Who grew with Wind and Rain and Time
From nothing but the light of Sun
And light of Moon when day was done
I bless You in this Circle round
That Your abundance may abound
And feed our world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Libation to the Lord and Lady

By Moon and Sun and Sky above
I offer these in perfect love
By Fire, and Earth, and Rain, and Gust
I offer these in perfect trust
Please take these gifts I offer You
In perfect thanks for all You do
For all the gifts You've given me
O Lord and Lady, blessed be!

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