The Wheel turns again and with this turn comes the Vernal Equinox or Eostara. At this time the hours of daylight and night are balanced against each other. After this time, and until the Autumnal Equinox, daylight will have the ascendent influence. The goddess awakened from her deep winter slumbers and returned from the underworld, now wears the aspect of the Maiden of Spring and meets the young god, now the Youth of Spring, who was born into the world at Yule. Together, the coupling of masculine and feminine energies will plant the seeds of life and growth upon which all the continued survival of the world depends.
Whatever your path, you will welcome the balance of the light against the dark as an indication that longer days, required for greater growth and productivity are soon on the way. The theme of renewal has not been lost throughout all the changes this world has seen and this is a traditional time for people, pagan and non-pagan alike, to look toward those things they would like to renew in their own lives and to nurture the things they would like to see grow stronger.
Ostara, Spring Equinox
A sabbat of balance and beginnings. A traditional time to prepare for future planting and bless the seeds of physical, spiritual, and ritual gardens.
Wheel Legend: The Sun Prince meets the Young Maiden.
Purpose: To celebrate the meeting of the Sun Prince and the Young Maid through celebrations of all that is youthful, innocent and new. To bless the seeds of future new beginnings.
Needful Things: A painted eggshell. Garden seeds and written "seeds" of hope for the future. (penned in spring green ink on light yellow paper, or choose colors that rule the type of magic charged in each "seed" [Yellow=education, green=money etc...]). Fruit Juice or Herbal Tea and muffins for the simple feast. Spring flowers for decorating.
Decorations: Spring blooms in fresh, new, pastel colors.
Cleanse: With fresh herbal or light floral scents.
Quarters and Aspects: Call Spring Breezes, The Warming Sun, Morning Dew and Fresh Green Earth.
Hearthkeeping matters: Keep the painted eggshell no more than one month, then bury it. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth. Keep the ritual "seeds" with the garden seeds and bury them also in the garden when you plant.
Here is an example of a ritual you may use in your own Eostara observance
Shield Envision a protective "egg" around you in spring colors of green, pink, blue, and yellow. Use your projective hand.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center-- When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle-- Envision a circle of new budding flowers and fresh spring grass following the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the eastern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"In balance now the day and night
are matched in darkness and in light
we bless the seeds of future plans
greet spring again in heart and hands"
are matched in darkness and in light
we bless the seeds of future plans
greet spring again in heart and hands"
Call Quarters Facing East
"Spirit of the spring breeze
stirring new growth
bring now your clarity,
fragrance and hope
Spirit of the air, Welcome."
stirring new growth
bring now your clarity,
fragrance and hope
Spirit of the air, Welcome."
(light the yellow candle)
Call Quarters -- Facing South
"Spirit of the warm sun
encouraging seedlings
bring now your purity
softly revealing
Spirit of the fire, Welcome."
encouraging seedlings
bring now your purity
softly revealing
Spirit of the fire, Welcome."
(light the red candle)
Call Quarters -- Facing West
"Spirit of the soft rain,
gentle and new
bring now your empathy
fresh morning dew
Spirit of the water, Welcome."
gentle and new
bring now your empathy
fresh morning dew
Spirit of the water, Welcome."
(light the blue candle)
Call Quarters -- Facing North
"Spirit of the greening land,
fresh new earth
bring now stability,
richness, and worth.
Spirit of the earth, Welcome."
fresh new earth
bring now stability,
richness, and worth.
Spirit of the earth, Welcome."
(light the green candle)
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Child grown to Sun Prince
the wonderment of youth
between the worlds come now to me
and lend my rite your truth."
(light the gold candle)
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden of the springtime
innocent delight
between the worlds come now to me
bring wisdom and bring light."
(light the silver candle)
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the center of the sand censor or in the air before you with the incense stick
"Eternal spirit within me,
bless this rite with truth and light
and fill me with your charge as I plant
the seeds of my future."
bless this rite with truth and light
and fill me with your charge as I plant
the seeds of my future."
(light the incense)
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time.
Birth and death, dark and light
joy and sorrow, day and night
meet here as one.
Blessed be."
beyond the bounds of time.
Birth and death, dark and light
joy and sorrow, day and night
meet here as one.
Blessed be."
"I come now between the worlds
to celebrate the fresh wonderment
and innocence of youth and
to bless the seeds of the future
which begins anew with
this turn of the wheel."
to celebrate the fresh wonderment
and innocence of youth and
to bless the seeds of the future
which begins anew with
this turn of the wheel."
Lay the painted egg on the altar.
"This is a new beginning filled
with the hopes and dreams
and goodness and laughter of childhood."
with the hopes and dreams
and goodness and laughter of childhood."
Visualize a small creature, maybe a butterfly or a dragon, or Pegasus emerging from the egg spreading it's tiny wings to dry. Let it take it's first uncertain steps onto your cupped hands. Infuse it with all the love, laughter, hopes and dreams you had as a child. When ready blow this fledgling into first flight.
"Find a child like me.
Bring her these hopes,
dreams, love and laughter
and make your home
within her heart.
Harming none, this be done."
Bring her these hopes,
dreams, love and laughter
and make your home
within her heart.
Harming none, this be done."
Lay your seeds for this years gardens on the altar.
"These are new beginnings
filled with life, health,
vigor, and abundance."
filled with life, health,
vigor, and abundance."
Visualize the garden as it grows, ripens, flourishes and reaches harvest.
"Bring to my gardens this life,
health, vigor, and abundance
that it may sustain my hearth and home.
Harming none, this be done."
health, vigor, and abundance
that it may sustain my hearth and home.
Harming none, this be done."
Take the written "Seeds" for your spiritual garden and place them upon the altar.
"These are new beginnings filled
with success and satisfaction
and growth and knowledge."
with success and satisfaction
and growth and knowledge."
Visualize achieving these goals. Do you have more tools? Are you able to wield with greater ease? Do you feel stronger connections? Picture yourself at the peak of your desired power.
"Bring my ritual garden this success,
satisfaction, growth and knowledge
that it may sustain my spirit.
Harming none this be done."
satisfaction, growth and knowledge
that it may sustain my spirit.
Harming none this be done."
Meditate on the new beginnings that have come to successful fruition in the past. Thank the elemental powers for these past successes. Visualize a growing spring herb like willowbay or dandelion unfurling from the earth, blooming, blossoming, and seeding in a sudden gust of astral wind. Blow or fan these seeds onward yourself and release energy!
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast---
Herbal tea or Fruity Juice
and cookies or crackers.
Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Herbal tea or Fruity Juice
and cookies or crackers.
Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Thank the Guardian-- Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame.
"Spirit within me, my thanks for
the blessing of your attendance
at my simple and solitary rite.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon-- raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Gentle Maiden, my thanks
for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
(quench the silver candle)
Thank the Sun -- raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Young Sun Prince,
My thanks for the blessing
of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
(quench the gold candle)
Thank the Quarters -- facing the appropriate directions as you thank and release them and quench each candle as you bid them farewell.
"Earth Spirit of greening land,
Water Spirit of soft rain,
Fire Spirit of warming sun,
Air Spirit of gentle breeze.
My thanks for your attending me,
stay or go as you shall please,
hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Water Spirit of soft rain,
Fire Spirit of warming sun,
Air Spirit of gentle breeze.
My thanks for your attending me,
stay or go as you shall please,
hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle -- beginning at the Eastern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand, or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little ball in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken
merry met,
and merry part,
and merry meet again."
yet still unbroken
merry met,
and merry part,
and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Thank you for sharing this ritual
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a lovely Ostara
Blessed Be
Mama Kelly