Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Invoking the Lord and Lady--Set 1

The Lady--

O Goddess of both Moon and Star
Who rules all planets near and far
Who rules the Earth and all within
Who sets the time our lives begin
Who brings us happiness and mirth
Who gives us value and self worth
With every loving touch She gives
Unto this plane on which we live
Please descend now from above
And touch this Circle with Your love
And join us in this sacred rite
O Goddess, bring your love and light

The Lord--

O Lord of Places Wild and Free
Who sows the seed that we might be
Who fertilizes all on Earth
And brings us pleasure, joy and mirth
Who is the Sun that shines above
Who warms us with His light and love
Who brings good health, prosperity
And changes all as it should be
Please descend now from above
And touch this Circle with Your love
And join us in this sacred rite
O Lord, please lend Your love and light.

1 comment:

  1. These invocations are absolutely lovely. I have been struggeling with writing the ritual and ceremony for my wedding next month. So... I turned to the internet for inspiration. You have given me that. Thank you!
    Blessed Be
