Friday, May 1, 2009

Using Magic Wands

Magic wands can help you to channel the mystical forces surrounding you and focus this power into the object of your spell.

A wand functions as an antenna. When pointed upward and used with ritual and focus, it enables you to draw down magical energy. When spell casting, you can then point the wand at an object to release this power down your arm and into the wand, where the energy is intensified by its crystal tip. You can also focus on directing your own energy into the wand. Thus, double-pointed crystals work very well on wands, enhancing power from yourself and external forces.

Harnessing tree magic

A wand is imbued with the properties of the tree from which it is make. Willow is the most popular choice of wood, but you can make wands from most trees and reserve individuals wands for specific purposes. Birch trees, for example, signify renewal and a birch wood wand could be used in spells to bless new projects.

The Uses of Magic Wands

You can use a wand for a variety of purposes when practicing magic and rituals and casting spells.

*Sleeping on a willow wand is said to make your dreams more vivid and meaningful.

*Rowan wands can help to enhance your clairvoyant abilities.

*Wands can be used to cast sacred circles, which you can then step into and cast a spell.

*Place a wand on an altar at a Wiccan celebration as your offering to the ritual.

*Enhance the power of your spells by using wands to focus more energy on your intent, whether it be for love, prosperity or healing.

*Use a wand made from a specific wood to celebrate a seasonal festival. A holly wand, for example, could be used to perform magic at a Winter Solstice ritual.

How to Make a Magic Wand

Follow this simple and fun step-by-step exercise to create your own magical wand, adorned with brightly colored ribbons, pretty gems and elaborate feathers.

Wand Materials

To make your magic wand, you will need:

*a 10-12 inch long stick of willow or other wood

*a knife

*a double-pointed quartz or other preferred crystal

*sandpaper--coarse, smooth and very smooth

*almond or linseed oil

*a brush

*copper wire

*needle and cotton thread

*PVA glue

*ribbons, feathers, beads and shells

1. Ask permission from a tree to take its wood. Then cut a 10-12 inch piece. Thank the tree and leave it a gift.

2. Strip off bark with a knife, while the wood is "moist" and easy to peel. Later, return the shavings to the tree.

3. Sand the wood, first with the coarse paper, then again with the smooth. Finally, use the very smooth sandpaper.

4. Allow the wood to dry out for a few days. Then lightly brush it with oil until it is soaked through. Leave it to dry.

5. Glue the crystal you have chosen onto the top of your wand and wrap with the ribbons securing it with glue.

6. Now, you are ready to personalize your wand. Use a needle and thread to attach other magical items, such as beads, feathers and shells to the ribbons.

Using Advanced Wands

The more practiced you become at magic, the less elaborate your wand needs to be. Many experienced witches will used a plain wooden stick and do not worry about dressing it up.

Decorating your wand does not increase its magical powers, but the ritual of spending so much time on the tool's creation helps to forge a psychological connection, encouraging the flow of magical energies between you. Many beginners find this useful.

Using a Ritual Blade

Other rituals associated with creating your own wand include setting aside a special knife, which you use only for this purpose.

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