Monday, October 15, 2007

The Ivy Moon: September 30- October 27

The Ivy Moon coincides with the end of the harvest season when successes and losses must be accounted for. In ancient times, intoxicating ale was brewed from ivy and was used to induce visions of the battlefield.

The plant teaches us that restrictions are necessary to help us hone our skills. During this month, remember that your enemies are your teachers and that opposition is a blessing in disguise. Focus on magic that strengthens your resolve.

Prepare for the future

Spells that boost your sense of responsibility will make you ready for what lies ahead. Be prepared to take the long-term view and accept and celebrate your life as it is right now. Trust that the Ivy Moon will prepare you to receive an answer to your prayers at exactly the right time.

The Ritual of the "Ivy Girl"

Ivy grows in a spiral formation reminding us that each cycle of the seasons brings us closer to the center, to the spirit. The last harvest sheaf to be cut in the village was once bound with ivy and called the "Ivy Girl". This was given to the farmer whose harvest was last, as a reminder of his responsibility to the spirits of the land.


Ivy is ruled by the planet Saturn and is often linked with horned gods such as Pan and Dionysus, and as such is a plant of protection, sexuality, property and faith. Ivy was also believed to protect from alcoholic intoxication. For this reason, intertwined vines of grape and ivy, representing balance, were depicted in ancient images of Dionysus.


House Protection Spell

Utilize the magic of ivy to protect your home from negative influences. You will need:

A black candle
Lots of ivy stems

--Light the candle and say," I call upon the spirits of this place, come in peace."

--Make a circle of ivy stems on the floor and step into the center.

--Turn to the north and recite, "Spirits of the Earth protect me."

--To the east say, "Spirits of air protect me."

--To the south say, "Spirits of fire protect me."

--To the west say, "Spirits of water protect me."

--Place the stems that formed your circle at the boundaries of your property.

Women's Ivy Charms

Ivy is a feminine plant and it is particularly lucky for women. Use the following ivy charms all year around to utilize ivy's powerful magical properties.

*Brides who carry or wear ivy will have a long, committed and prosperous marriage. Sew an ivy leaf into a small pocket of white linen, and give this to a bride to slip into the hem of her wedding dress for luck.

*To guard against accidents while driving, carefully secure an ivy leaf on your car's dashboard.

*Grow ivy vines around the front door of your house to prevent negativity from entering your home.

Facing Challenges

Performing this ritual during the Ivy Moon will help you to learn from difficult circumstances and move on. To perform this ritual you will need:

A piece of paper
A pen
A white candle
A fireproof dish

*Write a list of the troubles that you are experiencing.

*Next to each one write what you have gained from it, for example "It made me stronger."

*Light the candle saying, "This flame represents my faith in the universe. I give thanks for the lessons I have learned."

*Burn the paper and feel yourself grow stronger.

Ivy Spell Bags

Use the magic of ivy to strengthen your willpower.

--Ivy leaves, ginger and echinacea (pronounced eck-can-ay-sha) placed in a yellow spell bag will guard against addictive behavior.

--Ivy leaves, chicory, sea salt and sage in a navy blue bag will guard against overspending.

--A charm of ivy leaves, hawthorn leaves, and red chili seeds placed in a white spell bag will help to keep you faithful to your lover.

--Placing ivy leaves lily petals and lilac flowers in a blue spell bag will prevent you from returning to a destructive relationship.

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