Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Ritual Bath

To be performed before any serious ritual:

O, Goddess Mother, gentle and mild
Look down and bless me, for
I am your child

(anoint eyelids)

Please bless my eyes that I might see
Your ways and Your path
and how things should be

(anoint lips)

Please bless my lips so that they may
carry Your words to all people
with a voice light and merry

(anoint chest)

Bless my breast too, let it be formed
in strength and conviction, and courage
without bounds or length.

(anoint loins)

My loins, bless as well, for they carry
the force of all life and creation
that flows from Your source.

(anoint knees)

So that I may kneel at Your altar
please bless my knees, keep them from
all pain and stress

(anoint feet)

And please bless my feet as Your steps
they now trace, keep them on the
right path at a straight, even pace.

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